Welcome to Wayte’s 2022 Data Drop!
Throughout the month of January we’ll be showcasing some interesting stats and facts from our 2022!*
Keep an eye on our social media channels to catch a glimpse into the sorts of insights we can provide our clients with thanks to the Travelogix reporting system.
If you are interested in transaction numbers, our top routes and destinations or CO2 figures you are in luck. Find out more about what sort of data we are able to provide in our reporting services.
Week 1 – Transaction volumes
Well done to the teams across our Stoke, London and Jersey offices. They’ve provided the same levels of service our clients have come to expect, despite the 116% increase in transaction volume, with many of our clients continuing their recoveries post-pandemic.

Week 2 – Destinations
Our global client base travel all over the world. Although we’re based in the UK we have a vast international client base who enjoy using our personal service to conduct business globally. Below you’ll see the top destinations booked in 2022 for us, including; New York, London, Guinea, and Qatar. What will 2023 bring?

Week 3 – Hotels
Through our reporting services we can display the top booked hotels. Whether you want to know what cities your business travellers stay in the most, how many nights they typically stay or which hotels you use the most often, we have the data to help. The cities our clients stayed overnight in the most in 2022 were; London, Dubai and Jersey.

Week 4 – Flights
Following the pandemic it’s no surprise our biggest recovery was with in flights. Our transactions numbers for 2022 more than doubled that of 2021 (+122%), enabling our clients to travel the world in an effective and efficient manner allowing them to conduct business with stakeholders worldwide.

Round up
Throughout January with real life 2022 data, we’ve shown just some of the reporting capabilities we have at Wayte Travel. Clients of ours can expect monthly reports on their: Expenditure categorised into transaction types, Top suppliers whether that’s carriers, hotels, or car hire companies, their top travellers, most visited countries and cities as well as the CO2 emissions their travels have created. You can find out more about the reporting abilities our clients benefit from here.
We’ll end our 2022 review with a map that shows every country our clients visited in the previous year. If you’d like to learn more about how Wayte Travel can benefit your business, get in touch with us here or using the form in the footer of this page.